Patient Story - LINK supports even in difficult times.

LINK manufactured a customized implant for a young Ukrainian patient with a tumor disease who had already received the necessary chemotherapy and was planned to be operated on immediately. With beginning of the war it was not possible to send the needed implants to our distributor in Ukraine any longer. With the help of our distributor in Poland we were able to find an experienced surgeon who immediately agreed to operate, hospitalize and rehabilitate the patient free of charge. The young patient arrived in Poznań, Poland, a few days later from Lviv, Ukraine, and was successfully operated by Dr. J. Nazar (clinic Heliodor Święcicki).

We at customLINK provide you with patient specific implants and instruments beyond the possibilities of our broad standard portfolio. Even in very special and challenging cases, we are pleased to work in close collaboration with you to find the ideal solution for your patient.

Every customized solution follows the same process. Please contact us for your case via:
